Norton Shopping Guarantee

Add Norton Shopping Guarantee to your 3dcart store today!

Norton Shopping Guarantee is an easy way to increase revenue and drive higher order values on your website. Customers enjoy a better buying experience, and you build your acquisition and retention rates.

What your customers will recieve for FREE!

  • Identity Theft Protection

    $10,000 Identity Theft Protection

    Blanket ID Theft Protection for 30 days as an added benefit for shopping with you. Your customer is covered by Norton no matter how or where their identity is compromised.

  • Purchase Guarantee

    $1,000 Purchase Guarantee

    Norton acts as a second line of defense with troubled customers – giving them peace of mind when making a purchase on your website.

  • Lowest Price Guarantee

    $100 Lowest Price Guarantee

    Online prices change all the time. If a customer makes a purchase on your website and you drop the price within 30 days, Norton will pay the difference.

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