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[Demo Store]
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Purchase Date (GMT)
3/3/2024 7:32:53 PM
Your Guarantee Number
09NSG 011694-00017653
What is Norton Shopping Guarantee?

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Identity Theft Protection1 |
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Guarantee with your purchase at no cost to you.
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These benefits expire 30 days from the purchase date above (GMT).
Terms and conditions apply.
Get more protection with
Norton™ 360 with LifeLock™
Norton 360 with LifeLock provides identity theft protection to monitor, alert and resolve issues.2
Norton Shopping Guarantee
powered by BuySafe
Simpler Postage, Inc. dba BuySafe
ATTN: Norton Shopping Guarantee
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Fremont, CA 94538
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Benefit includes access to an identity restoration service, and reimbursement of expenses up to $10,000 for costs like
attorney fees and disputing fraudulent charges for stolen identity events occurring during the 30 days of coverage.
No one can prevent all cybercrime or identity theft.
Not all benefits available from all merchants and may vary based on your country of residence.
The Norton Shopping Guarantee benefits are provided and operated by BuySafe, Inc.
Norton, LifeLock and the Checkmark Logo are trademarks of or registered trademarks of NortonLifeLock Inc.
or its affiliates in the US and other countries.
BuySafe will not share your information without your permission.
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applicable to the Norton Shopping Guarantee benefits.
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